Thursday, January 21, 2010

January 9th, 2nd post

it's saturday, we're doing well, thanks so much for all the gifts we received in the mail today. there's a decent chance that folks worked on our house to
day, so Alex and I are anxious to go and check progress. Alex's toe is close to being healed, so she's trying to rest it as much as possible, which I think is a great idea. I think we'll go and check out the house after church tomorrow.

We're having beans tonight, which is a bit of a treat. I planted Kumula (sweet potatoes) and a few corn seedlings in the antap garden this morning, and started many more seeds in our tin can nursery. Mostly planted chili and bell peppers, but a few beans and herbs too. I've been having bad luck with the chives, which I was sure was going to be one of our staples. And No luck with getting thyme to grow either.

we made lots of lists today - shopping lists for vila, people we must write (one can be guaranteed a spot on this list by writing us), things we want to google, things we must do before we leave for Vila and such lists. We must find someone to feed the flying fox papayas while we're away.

Hope everyone is well and enjoying their day.

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