Sunday, April 11, 2010

March 20

alex writing... Hello everyone!
Today I by mistake threw our baby parrot over a REALLY steep hill (some might even call it a cliff). Our baby parrot can only fly a little, We wince every time he lands as he usually crashes into something or lands head first...but I think it's important for him to strengthen his wings and about once a day, I'll send him off on a little flying adventure. He loves these jaunts in the backyard and will usually hop back to where we are, whistling the whole way...
Today, Lucas was outside planting seedlings and the baby bird was screaming his head off inside. I tossed the baby bird towards Lucas thinking he might need a little outdoor stimulation and the baby bird took a sharp right and headed down this very steep hill that drops off to the ocean.
Lucas and I just stared at each other.
We ran towards the edge of the Pentecost bush (the wildlife here is a consuming green organism) and whistled and called for Sivi and heard nothing. You must understand, this bird is LOUD all the time (except for when he's in REM sleep)...the silence was eerie. We both walked (slid) down a little to see if we could hear or see him...nothing.
a half hour later, Lucas went all the way down to the salt water and back calling for him and doing his best whistle and no luck.
It started to pour.
I went down again and called for him....nada
Lucas and I decided that he either died on impact or was lost in the bush for sure.

I whistled at the edge of the bush for a long time and tried to decipher which sounds could possibly be the baby parrot, but still nothing.

Lucas and I were really sad the baby parrot was dead...I kept whistling at the edge of the bush thinking how hope is the most painful human emotion because it springs up in the most improbable of situations making the impossible seem somewhat possible and it lingers beyond all reason... it hurts so much to let it go.

I whistled off and on for another two hours...

I thought I heard the baby bird out by the bush kitchen, which would be impossible, but I went out anyways and out by the path to the sand beach, I saw a parrot!!!! I went out and there he was by the Mango tree!!!!

The second I picked him up he started screaming! I was so happy that he was home!!! Lucas and I have no idea how this baby parrot made it back over the Penama bush...this baby bird is AMAZING!!!!!!!
As I write this, he is laying under the bench chirping softly to himself as he is not yet in REM sleep.

love to all of you...please send pictures!! We'll make a collage on the wall.

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