Saturday, July 3, 2010

June 20th

Alex and I went to a new church this morning. The sermon was fine, the preacher preached of the many voices in the world and how hard it is sometimes know which is the voice of God - the voice of truth. Hollywood is not the voice of truth, nor is fashion the voice of truth. Nor is celebrating Christ's birthday on December 25 - as Jesus is the lamb of God and since lamb's are not born when it is cold outside, Jesus could not have been born on December 25.

Does anyone know what time of year new lambs are born in Bethlehem?

1 comment:

kathleen said...

I don't know about Bethlehem but whenever the ram gets to the willing ewe, 5 months later you have lambs and we have had them born in December, hence the names: Merry and Christmas and Chilly and Frosty. but now we are smarter and don't let the ram and ewes be together until late fall so we'll have Spring lambs.