Tuesday, December 30, 2008


It's a Wednesday and New year's eve in Antarctica. Tonight is the big Icestock Festival. It's an outside music venue with about 8 different bands playing (6pm - 12:30). It's 37F right now and no wind. Couldn't ask for better weather.

Alex is washing dishes, the dishwashers got their radio taken away for playing music too loud. It's sad.

I'm still opening boxes and counting things. I've spent the last week driving a huge forklift, moving huge boxes.

We still haven't decided how to spend the second half of our honeymoon. We spend a lot of time talking about our options. Last night we went to see a presentation on some folk's travel experiences in southeast Asia. They mostly went to old temples, elephant sanctuaries and street markets. Not really the type of trip Alex or I would go for, so we essentially didn't learn much, other than southeast Asia is really pretty.

Okay, I've got to get back to work...

1 comment:

sabrina said...

NO MUSIC for dishwashers!! my goodness. couldn't there be some sort of compromise. ??? like, turn the music down or there will be no music? or did that already happen. Good thing Alex loves to sing and hummmmmmmm..
have a great time in icestock and dance a dance for me.
Miss and Love yall!!!