Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lo America sam man i no gat kakae...

it's wednesday evening, I just made Alex help me with a workshop I'm trying to put together, to present to the other business volunteers during our early service conference, and our community at some point as well. The thesis is basically that the cost of oil is going no where but up and some little remote island probably shouldn't expect to see much fossil fuel in it's future; so as business volunteers we should try to steer our communities away from global economies and more towards local economies that work.

It's interesting and tricky at the same time, you could completely take away all fossil fuels from our community tomorrow and they would be fine, no one would miss a meal. But they don't necessarily see the value in being a completely self-sustaining sustainable society, as the grass is always greener. (I think our community sees the value a lot more than other nearby communities, but that's besides the point) And to make it more tricky, the completely self-sustaining sustainable society that could exist today probably won't be able to exist once the population gets to be too dense, which isn't too far off at the rate they are going.

Alex and I jump on any opportunity to talk about how the grass isn't greener, but talk is cheap (especially considering we (Alex and I) probably used at least as much fossil fuel in our lifetime as the rest of the community combined).

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