Sunday, April 11, 2010

March 6

it's saturday night, the computer battery is almost dead, so this will be a short entry with little to no proofreading. Bamma and Justin arrived by plane on Thursday and Alex and I met them at the airport, we took a boat back to our village and here we are. Yesterday we walked to one of the villages on top to celebrate the Vanuatu public holiday of all chiefs day. The village baked a lot of taro and three pigs and had a small ceremony during which Justin had to drink kava with the chief in front of everyone and I had to give a speech. In my speech I talked about how great this place is and that if the rest of the world looked out for their people as well as the Vanuatu chiefs do that this would be a pretty good world, and that they should keep up the good work. I wanted to go on a rant about peak oil and the value of subsistence farming, but chose to keep that material for my first "business" workshop.
Today we showed off our gardens to our guests and went snorkeling, tomorrow church and lap-lap at the sunday evening market.
And we were able to pick up all of our mail from the post office when we went to the airport, so thanks everyone for writing us, and thanks for the care packages, and a special thanks for finding my special deodorant for me, and I really enjoy reading grandmas book. And I love my shirt from Peru.

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