Sunday, April 11, 2010

March 25

It's Thursday evening, Alex and I returned today from two nights on the East Coast with the Anglican Mother's Union conference. No rats! We are tired, a long walk today and the sun was strong. And the computer battery is at 9%, so expect a short blog.

The mothers from the mother's union are all really nice. They totally went out of their way to look out for us, a lot of mothering. Another way to say that would be that they treated us like children the last two days: "Don't sit there, sit here" "Don't do it that way, do it this way" "Don't put your basket there, put it here" "eat this" "you don't want to do that" and so on. It was more than my ego could handle, And though I never said it verbally, I'm pretty sure the mamas realized I didn't like it. It was hard for me to keep it together, I dunno why. Glad to be back to the home.

We lost our camera somewhere along the trail today, so pray it finds it's way back to us or yumi evriwan i nogat no pictures.

We met a charismatic cult leader, but that's another blog for another day.

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