Wednesday, January 20, 2010

December 15

it's tuesday, about 11:00am, I'm not feeling the best, so I've decided I'm going to spend the entire day puttering around the house. I helped work on building our future house the last two days and got multiple small cuts on my hands from the bamboo. I take it as a sign I'm getting more involved/intimate with the building process. I think another workday or two and our house will be finished. pretty exciting. Alex and I are pretty excited to move into the new house too. A week or two ago at the health dispensary, I saw a mother, she had just given birth a few days prior, Childbirth without any drugs on a rather uncomfortable looking wooden table. She was collecting firewood to build a fire so she could have a cup of tea and probably some ramen noodles. Her man was off somewhere doing something else and there isn't any staff at the dispensary to cook meals for the patients. I haven't told alex yet, but I picture us taking on that role, preparing a small feast for those who really shouldn't be expected to cook for themselves.

In other news, we've learned that a coconut cream and mango sauce goes well with oatmeal or rice for breakfast.

1 comment:

Joey Carr said...

Sweet sticky rice & mango with coconut milk is a fantastic dessert, and traditional in Thailand :)