Thursday, January 21, 2010

December 24 2009

It's Lucas' and I second Christmas as a married couple--and our second Christmas in the Southern hemisphere together! I just finished washing my hair in the water drainage from the gutter. Water is a bit of an issue in our community and I foresee that it'll probably be the majority of my work while I'm here. The village where we currently live has one small rain tank outside the back door of our house that provides the village with drinking water. Our house has a tin roof and gutters to catch water and feed the water into the rain tank. On the front end of the house, the gutters have "leaks" and that's where Lucas and I put our buckets to catch water. We use that water for dishes, laundry, flush the toilet (it's strange to have a flush toilet and an awful idea with water how it is here) and to "swim" (bislama word for bathe). Our village, along with several other villages, uses a dugout well off the main road for swim water, laundry, and cooking. It's more of a mud hole than a well and when we first got here it was dangerously low and the rain tank was empty...It was the end of the taem blong bigfala sun (the dry season). All the villages in the hills walk down to the waterfall, which is more like a trickle, to collect all their water. I'm happy we got to see a little how that felt like when we first got here and I'm really happy that I will have been in country for almost a year before I have to really experience months and months of it. A few days after we got here, it rained...after a few weeks, we mastered out water system...and now when we have a bigfala rain and when all the buckets are full and it's warm out, I take my shampoo outside and wash my hair in the torrent of fresh rainwater...the water pressure is amazing.
It's a strange Christmas Eve treat.

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