Thursday, January 21, 2010

December 26 2009

Yesterday was Christmas! Lucas and I went to the Pentecostal church for service as my Papa invited us to go. After church, all the parishioners got together to exchange secret friend gifts and have a big lunch. Our entire village and my supervisor are basically the members of the church, so we had the party in our nakamal. Lucas and I made a BIG bowl of island corn with butter (a special treat). the party was fun! I'm starting to feel more and more comfortable at the nakamal.
Anyways, so the HUGE spread of kakae (food) was amazing! There was a lot of buildem up body (protein) at the table (fish and beef), Loads of fruit, some nice deserts, and there were no root crops or lap lap on my plate!!!!
After lunch, we exchanged gifts--I got a beautiful woven basket that's purple and brown and another FAOL (chicken)! Her name is Chris and I hope that she will make us lots of pikinini faol (baby chicken) and lay lots of eggs. Lucas got a GORGEOUS mat from my bubu man (host grandfather) which we are both sitting on right now.
Lucas says he's tired and he couldn't breathe last night because his nose was clogged up with snot. He likes his mat and he thinks he's nice enough to let me use it, too.

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